Lionel MESSI

Publié le par E-zola-news

Lionel Messi is a very famous football player . He was born in May 1987 in Rosavie in Argentina. He is the best striker ever , and he plays in the best team of Europe : the FC Barcelona , wich wins many Champions Leagues . At this moment , he's the best football player in the world ! When he was young he was already fascinated by football so he played with his friends in the streets. Since he had no money, he played barefoot! But now , thanks to his  incredible talent in football , he has a lot of money. For many people , Lionel Messi is a real example , for me too of course !Sourire

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I think that Messi is better than C.Ronaldo, and for me he is the best player in the world! I love it more because it plays at FC Barcelone my favorite club after Marseille
I like Lionel Messi because he is the best football player. He play football in FC Barcelon and in Argentina.<br /> MESSI is the best!!!
Lionel Messi ? It's a best football player! He is very fast and technical, I love his play !
it's a great player . it is much paid .He had the Golden Ball I love love to see played .
it's a great player . it is much paid .He had the Golden Ball I love love to see played .